【同义词辨析】 2018-06-15 扔出throw-sling

throw: is general and exchangeable with other terms, but may specifically imply a distinctive propelling motion with the arm: ~ the ball with great accuracy.

cast: usually implies lightness in the thing thrown, and sometimes a scattering: ~ bread crumbs to the birds.

toss: suggests a light or careless or aimless throwing and may imply an upward motion: ~ her racket on the bed.

fling: stresses a vigorous throwing with slight aim or control: ~ the ring back in his face.

hurl: implies a powerful and forceful driving as in throwing a massive weight: ~ the intruder out the window. (hurl abuse(threat) at固定搭配辱骂(威胁)某人)

pitch: suggests a throwing carefully at a target: ~ horseshoes; OR lightness and casualness: ~ trash in the basket.   to pitch horseshoes:马蹄铁游戏)

sling: suggests propelling with a sweeping, swinging motion,usually with force and suddenness: ~ the bag over his shoulder. sweep挥动: His arm swept around the room. 他伸出手臂绕着房间了一圈) (swing规则来回运动: 来回或前后运动regular movement to and fro, back and forth: 例如swing the rope back and forth前后摆绳)

throw扔出: 泛指,可代替其它词,或特指用胳膊(而不是只用手),cast扔出:表示扔出的东西轻,被扩散(scattering),toss抛: 向上轻轻随意的扔,fling用力扔: 强调用力扔出,几乎不控制瞄准目标,hurl也是用力扔: 强有力的扔,如重物,pitch: 可表示小心的扔;或表示轻轻的或随意的扔,sling抛扔,弹弓,吊带吊挎:突然用力挥动或抛扔,形成线(sweep,swing)形轨迹。

记忆方法: 1)首字母TCTFHPS重组成Pao Tong Tong Chao Hai Fa She炮统统朝海发射<==扔出炮弹<==保卫海疆

         2)扔出的意思是通过推力或动作使快速移动mean to cause to move swiftly throughspace by a propulsive movement or propelling force.